How to Vue: Hello World
When I started Vue, I had just been wowed by React JS, here we have a whole new way of thinking about frontend.
Now, for a backend guy (Java Engineer), Vue is nice because of it’s modularity, you need storage? Cool (Vuex), What you want navigation? Cool (vue-router)
If you decide to ditch all of those things in future, or swap providers (ie. Redux), it’s as easy as pie.
Now, lets get on with it.
No prior experience is needed for this other than NodeJS/ Express, HTML5, some web components and Javascript (uh? ES6)
1. Clone the repo from github
2. cd into folder and enter yarn
3. Substitute your Firebase details web details into config object in /store/fbscript.js
4. Enter npm run dev from project root
5. Navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser
6. Bask in your glory
It should look something like what’s below:
Please share the above code freely, learn and improve it as necessary.